The Price of Freedom - Assets (2016 - 2017)
Maya, ZBrush, Quixel Suite, Photoshop, Marmoset Toolbag
Construct Studio’s first game, The Price of Freedom, was a dark, cold-war era VR experience. Playing as Agent Zero, you must find and assassinate Benjamin Miller to prevent the classified research he’s stolen from falling into enemy hands. Gameplay allowed the player to slowly investigate each room for clues, opening desks, reading documents, and solving puzzles to find truth in the world they’ve been dropped into.
Contributions: All assets, compositions, and renders in this gallery were done by myself with the exception of the trailer itself. I was first brought on to create a set of VR hands for the main character and, sometime later, to produce a series of high quality, low-poly assets. Our focus on creating highly interactive content required assets with many functional elements while platform limitations necessitated assets with efficient use of resources.