Scripting Language: MEL
Out of sheer curiosity, I created a program that uses square buttons in Maya as pixels for the classic Game of Life. I used Maya’s time slider to measure time. Each generation, a cell examines its surroundings to learn whether it will breed, starve, or survive. New life can be scattered across the entire board or manually drawn out with the mouse. Newborn cells receive the colors of their parents while surviving cells grow saturated with age.
Water tiles act as boundaries while also providing a chance to spontaneously generate new life. You can call down a natural disaster to blot out tiles from the board for a number of turns, devastate the ecosystem to wipe out all life, and even reduce the diversity (color) of all cells.
Several custom settings, like the dimensions of the board, time per generation (controlled by the time slider), scale of the tiles, and mutation rate near water, are presented in a story-like interface before beginning the simulation.